Xvoucher Blog

Effortlessly Track Your Learning Program: 4 Tips for Automation

Written by Christine Avery | Jun 8, 2023 3:26:11 PM

It’s nearing the end of the quarter. Your sales team is scrambling to hit their goals. You are checking your spending to make sure you don’t lose any of your budget. Did everyone you sent training actually complete it? You look back at some spreadsheets. Send a few emails. You know you’ll be asked about unspent training and also metrics around completion rate and pass/fail rate for exams. You set aside quite a few hours to check. 


Up-skilling remains a hot topic for companies as 94% of workers say they’ll stay at a company longer if they receive training and certifications. 

But managing that training continues to be a pain point and often a manual process for many. 

So how do you get ahead of doing manual and repetitive tasks? Here are 4 Tips:

  1.  First, understand the type of training your organization needs and find an e-commerce platform that will allow you to centralize the purchasing and management for the majority of those needs. 
  2.  Secondly, allocate your budget to your respective training programs. Centralized buying means you should be able to organize your budget by a program to ensure you are purchasing what you need when you need it and according to your program budget. It also makes tracking metrics and goals that much easier.
  3.  Third is distribution. This is sometimes the hardest part of organizing training across your organization. How do you get in front of the headache of multiple spreadsheets, countless email threads, and follow-up questions? The easiest option is to find a place where you can automate those tasks. You want an all-in-one platform that allows you to distribute your training products to your employees in the fastest, most seamless way possible to ensure you are getting the most out of your funds. What if you want to give your CMO 100 vouchers to distribute to the marketing team? With the right platform, you can do just that, outside of a spreadsheet, inside of a system that allows complete visibility to your team and contains management of funds within your department. 
  4.  Finally you need to be able to track your funds, and employee usage and know when training is nearing expiration dates. Expiring products can be difficult to manage, affecting the following year's budget and employee satisfaction. So how do you get ahead of this? Tracking in a spreadsheet and manually sending out mass emails to employees is time-consuming and repetitive and can be hard to track. Having an all-in-one platform that automates all of these tasks is a game-changer. Being able to leverage reports to showcase all of your findings in one place puts you in the driver’s seat. 

So what do you need to do in order to cut back on manual tasks? Give departments the power to distribute training while maintaining the budget and stop using spreadsheets and individual emails to distribute and track your training and exam vouchers. Do your research, and find a platform that has everything you need to accomplish your end-to-end training goals. 

Xvoucher has solutions to help. From a safe place to store your training funds so you can use them when you need them to be able to easily purchase, distribute, track, and manage training courses, learning materials, and exams. Learn more.

A ClearCompany survey found that 94% of employees would stay at an organization longer if their employer invested in their career development. They also found that retention rates are 34% higher at organizations with career development opportunities.