Xvoucher AWS Storefront

Voucher Only

The most cost-effective way for you to purchase AWS exam vouchers. You must already have an admin license to purchase through this storefront.  

AWS Marketplace

Certification BundlesFlexible learning and certification preparation. Each seat package includes a practice test, and a certification exam registration. Xvoucher collects the tax and pays the AWS Marketplace Business Applications fee. An admin license is included in your purchase. 

For private offers, please fill out the form below or contact awshelp@xvoucher.com

AWS Marketplace

Voucher Only

You can now purchase vouchers only from Xvoucher's listing in the AWS SaaS Marketplace. Xvoucher collects the tax and pays the AWS Marketplace Business Applications fee. An admin license is included in your purchase. 

For private offers, please fill out the form below or contact awshelp@xvoucher.com



Xvoucher's proprietary software enables you to take control of your certification and learning programs. Manage, distribute, and track your learning assets through the Xvoucher platform, saving you the administrative costs of current manual processes.  

Xvoucher’s SaaS platform and offerings provide your organization with flexibility, based on the organization’s needs.  The Xvoucher platform can help you manage all or some of your digital learning assets in a centralized location, including exam vouchers.


Let us know what you Need

 Please add in the quantity of each certification level exam when submitting a request